Friday 28 December 2012

Be Modest!

  "I have the right to go around half-naked , it's the males who shouldn't be looking at me"
"Don't tell me what to wear, tell your son not to rape"
"My body my right" 
That's what I've been hearing all around , are we thinking practically?
Can we really expect them to control their desires while women roam around uncovered?
Yes sisters ,  you do have the right to wear what you like/wish but why would you CHOOSE to wear clothes that can hardly be called as clothes.I'm in no position to judge anyone , I myself have been through phases where I thought 'Hey! That's the trend and why should I be left behind?" but sooner or later you realize doing it just for the sake of so-called "Trend" is foolish. I mean why should you try to blend in , if you want to be 'happening' shouldn't you be YOURSELF?
Don't you think we are being manipulated instead of being liberated?
Why does the guy always get the 'hot' girl in movies/serials/commercials?
Isn't it high time we re-define hot?
Many questions but I won't leave you to it , would you like to know the answers? Solution to all these problems ? Something better?
Yes I said it , before you start accusing me of being an extremist/oppressor and the likes , how about you read on for a while?
"O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." [Noble Qur'an 33:59]
That was 1400 years ago , look at the wisdom behind it!
When a woman is covered you can't judge her by her body , you'll have to evaluate her for her skills and intelligence. You actually see her as a person with feelings and respect her. You treat women as equals and don't chase them for their body or physical benefits. Hijab conceals a women sexuality while revealing her femininity.Would a male even think about teasing/molesting a woman while she is modestly dressed.
Hijab doesn't make a woman less attractive instead it gives an air of mystery , a message that she respects her body enough to preserve it. There are various scientific benefits as well but we'll leave them for now.
So what is a hijab you must be wondering ( unless you already know ) .Well it is what Muslim women do to protect their dignity. It includes a covering for head and anything that isn't too tight , transparent , bright and covers the whole body.Simple as that!
Well, too much said for women , what about men?
"Tell the believing men that they should reduce/lower (يغضوا) their gaze/vision and guard their private parts"[Noble Qur'an 24:30]
Hijab for men is prescribed as well , men are commanded to lower their gaze , respect women and give them their due rights.
"And the best among you are the one's who are kind to their women"-Prophet Muhammad.
And there's a lot to say but I'll leave you with this...think and reason for yourself. Next time you look in the mirror ask yourself , do you value yourself enough ?

Thursday 13 December 2012

Glimpses of Paris in Goa.

I've always wanted visit Paris , France , Italy and the likes . At times I yearned to be there , and I yearn no more since I've been to Goa , as the Europeans once ruled there and couldn't help but leave traces (should I say Monuments) of the amazing architecture .So what's in Paris , Italy etc. can be found here. At least some part of it .

Does it even look like Goa?

Walking down the memory lane...

Monday 3 December 2012

New beginning!

Yes I'm back again , and for a long time!
Exams got over about three days ago and since then I'm having fun unlike other vacations.
So as I said about my Goa trip...the pics are finally sorted out.Here they are-

Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!
 This was the first snap I got, it was about 5pm , sun about to set . There's something about this picture that strikes me , whether it is the peach-ish tint from the sun or the new rails tracks , I don't just does! :)
Look closer you might find the magic in it too! :)
For now...signing off ! :D

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Saying Hello!

Yes , after a long time. Don't want to make this post long so getting to the point , I'll be soon posting snaps from the Goa trip. Amazing place to be , though it isn't famous for family get aways as it is for parties , college trips and stuff . Nevertheless I had a great time .It's not the destination , but journey that matters , as for me  journey as well as destination were amazing. There's more coming in the next post . It's been more than a month since my last post , thought I'd catch up quickly .
Missed you all...:)

Sunday 16 September 2012

Where I belong!

Me- (Trying to be dramatic) "Oh! Some one rescue me".
Friend- (Yawns) "Huh...what...what lecture is it?"
Me-"Never mind"
These are my conversations now-a-days.
But there IS a silver I spoke earlier about the campus...absolutely amazing , just the place to be! 
A lot's left to be explored...but I'll save the expedition for another day!
For's how it looks like!
Nature's canopy

The place to be!

Amazing...isn't t?

Tuesday 4 September 2012

With the waves!

Hey , been a long time since I posted some snaps..well here are some from my Sea-shore trip!!
About the 1st one-
That might look like a normal rock but it hurts like hell when you step on it but it's beautiful anyway!
And the second one...well no I need no reason for that...I love sunsets , even if I see them every single day I cant stop clicking 'em!! :)

The awesome me!

You know , I almost forgot I ever owned a blog , it must be such a disappointment for my readers ): .
Yea,eight of them who hardly check what I'm upto!
But atleast they  took the trouble to follow you guys! :D
So let's talk about my college!
It's going great thanks for asking!
Btw we just had our freshers party...the most pathetic event in history of Bharati (My college)!
But we(our class) had fun...loads and loads and loads..then why do I call it pathetic? Well I talk for the freshers,who remained stuck to their seats through the whole event with a what-the-hell-are-they-talking expression on their faces,it surely got irritating after a while!
So tomorrow's teacher's day and well we planned a little something for our teachers but didn't work out,so we got an off day (Wohoo!!)
Ramadan passed like a rocket (too lazy to come up with a proper metaphor), Eid came and it was fun (as it always is!!)
Well , we've been planning our college trip for a while , I'm excited for excited as I'm for my classes (Hope you get the sarcasm)!!
Whoaaaa!!! I killed it...I killed the mosquito that was annoying me from past 30mins!! I feel like Leonidas!! :D
Ok,that was pretty random!
Anyways I guess I'll stop now...whoa before I stop...I got 92% this time!!! (*toothysmile)
Could have done much better...but at the moment I'm like I totally rock!!
So adios amigos!!!
Do share what you guys up-to now-a-days..been out of touch lately! :)

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Ramadan , college and stuff!

Good Morning ,
           Loving the weather today - bit of drizzling , cold air , moist ground and fresh mud !
Adore it!
Anyways Ramadan has started , so has the hectic schedule , but it's good in a way...teaching me some time doubt it's called The Blessed Month.And It was also my birthday yesterday , no words to describe it!! Amazing,the iftar part specially !
College is about just fine, seeing the first years and thinking that some time ago I was one of them , they look really  innocent in the beginning.
Doing some serious thinking lately...turned 17 and what have I done,what have I achieved???
Am I living my life as I'm supposed to?
Maybe I'm thinking a lot!
Anyways , good part is I've started liking maths..Can't believe I said that , but it's true!
The subjects this semester are easy and fun , just a bit of hardwork and I can go from 2nd ranker to 1st ranker!
And with that I'll stop!
That's all for today , I'll try to be regular!

Wednesday 27 June 2012


Helloo friends ,
           It's been so many days...College , classes , homework and rains...there's so much going on!
And with the rains comes the fresh new flora and fauna!!!

Friday 22 June 2012

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Discovering life!!

Hello friends ,

One thing to remember in Mahableshwar is , let go of your vehicle...believe me it works wonders!!
This is what happens when you do that , you get to see amazing things!!!


Saturday 16 June 2012

Inhaling purity!

Bonjour amis!
The college is about to start in 4 days and result in maybe a week, Ouch! Butterflies (loads of them) !!!
I shall then post some snaps from my college that has an amazing campus...lots of plants , flowers , greenery and ants. Just my type of place!

But for today...continuing the flowers theme!
This one was at the Mapro Garden!

Thursday 14 June 2012

Nature's ecstasy!

Flowers , the adornments of nature!

Probably one of the best snaps I've taken!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

The witching hours!

"Every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smiles."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Night sky at Mahableshwar is fabulous!!!
Clearer than that of  Pune and if you're lucky you could SEE the clouds...I mean literally , it's at such a HIGH altitude after all. In fact the weather experts are conducting experiments on the clouds and the moisture they carry so it's pretty amazing!
Here you can also see the crescent moon if you look closely!
This one was taken from the market at about 7:00 PM.


Monday 11 June 2012

Blue Park! I've started with mansions I thought I'd better continue!
So this one was in our resort as well...'The Blue Park' sounds cool,doesn't it?
Somehow it reminds me of the cute round little huts from 'The Lord of the rings'!
But in this one photography isn't up to it's usual! :D

I completely adore it!

Saturday 9 June 2012


"Hey did you take the towels?"
    "Muma where are my head-phones?"
    "Hurry up!!!"
Yeap...the pre-family vacation rush!
Trip to Mahableshwar few weeks earlier,reminds me of those old British times...ladies in pretty gowns , men in coats ,huge mansions ,and horse carts on streets !
Not that you have horse carts in Mahableshwar but you do have huge old mansions and places with names like Lodwick ,Sir William and Kate and the mansions now being transformed into resorts so you have the privilege of staying in cool is that!
Our schedule there was so much fun!
Morning the sunrise point , then after Breakfast a long drive and then the lunch , after over-loading our tummies a walk to elephant-head point i.e 3kms had us growling with hunger again so a mini-snack and a stroll in our resort's garden , a nap and then the mesmerizing sunset point.As the stars light up the sky we head to the market which is the biggest only pedestrian market in Asia and it's fabulous..:)
Then a three course dinner and we head out to the resort that already has a magic show organized to entertain us but being too sleepy we decide to skip that and head to our rooms!!
So thats how we spent the days on the Maharashtra's most famous Hill-station!
From now I'm going to start posting snaps from the trip...there was so much to click that half the time I was glued to the cell which irritated my folks...according to them I was wasting the trip..not having fun..little do they know the pleasure , the contentment of getting the perfect snap.It's the same feeling I get after my program runs without any I've conquered the world!! :D
There so much that can't be expressed in a single I'll be posting the picture and a kind of description for the following posts!
For now here's the mansion next to our resort-
Still hasn't lost it's glory!

Thursday 7 June 2012

And The Obsession Continues

It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.- Bern William

To me it's like God wishing you a good night as he turns off the lights,just so you know no matter how dark it is he's there with you.
The way it's there to relax you unfailingly every single day as you come back from work/college,that's what makes it so special to me! :)
 To all the sunset lovers out there...!!!

My obsession with sunsets!

Monday 4 June 2012

Taking time to ponder

“When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.”
-George R.R Martin
One cannot help but marvel at the intricate design of a single leaf!

Sunday 3 June 2012


I wandered lonely as cloud!


Helloo fellas!!!
Today's post is with a little twist , I'll be posting some cool tricks and tips that are easy and fun !
So here they are-
  1. Make a file with no name-
      1. Right-click
      2. Go down to rename
      3. Clear the earlier name (using back-space)
      4. Press alt and simultaneously type 0160 from the num-pad
      5. Make sure num-lock is ON
      6. Press Enter!!
   2. Impress your friends with the special google-gravity trick.
      1. In the Google search bar type "Google-gravity"
      2. Select the first result or use I'm feeling lucky.
      3. Have fun!
   3.Bored to death waiting for that you-tube video to buffer?. You can now play your favorite snake game while waiting for it to load!
      1.  Press pause while the buffering thing comes on.
      2.  Press any of the navigation keys and see the buffer magically transform into a dotted snake
      3. How long can you make the snake?
These are just few of them...came across the you-tube one while waiting for the video that takes forever to buffer on my PC...!
Trial and error seems to work for it is said "A day not spent learning is a day wasted" go ahead try,make mistakes and never know what you might discover!!! :)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Snap of the day!

For men may come and men may go but I go on forever!

It's ME!

Bonjour friends...not been well for a few days...seems like my recent trip is starting to show it's effects!
Was just going through the blog and realised I hardly have written matter...and thought I'd better put something in here!
Since my Introduction seems a little( or way too) vague let's make the post about readers got to know what and how I'm (Not that i have too many readers :P but who knows what might happen!).
Starting with where I live...I'm a an Indian girl aged 16 ('s sounding like1st grade essay..O_o) I have dreams just like any other teen,I love travelling,watching cookery shows,reading,staring out the window (BTW it has a great view!),taking pictures of random stuff and watering the plants (duh!!)!
I have a knack for softwares,programming languages and blame it on being a right-brained..oh I'm a lefty BTW (proud of that) I have a good memory or some say so,I tend to get lazy sometimes and I'm just any other girl but with goals and aims (how does that make me different?).
That's it I guess...and instead of two pictures a day as I said earlier I'm making it two pictures per alternate days..till I get more Ta-daa..see you soon!! :)

Friday 25 May 2012

The Fort!

I've come up with a way to post my pictures as I can't put them all in one go I'll be posting two pictures per day...and how about putting it with a quote or a proverb...but let's see if that works...till then enjoy these...:P
Lohagad fort,52kms from Pune situated at the elevation of 3450ft..amazing view!

View from the top-most part of the fort..leaves you mesmerized!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

The Clicks!

The tree of wisdom!

Traveling the untrodden trails..

Long way to go..

Amidst nature..

The view is much better from the top..:)

The awesome one!

My favorite one..taken during one of my trips!

Intoducing ME!

This is my first post on my first blog..and yes I'm ecstatic!!So lets beginnn!!!(better get used to that,you'll b coming across a way lot of exclamations!!!!!)
As my favorite author puts in my favorite book.."To realized ones destiny is a person’s only obligation" and that's the only thing i seem to be doing...realizing my destiny i.e being simply awesomeee(here they come)!!!!!!
Okay...that sounds really naive...on  a serious note..I'm one more addition to the already way to crowded software world...but I dream to make a difference...innovate,inspire and create!
I find books to be my most loyal friends,I write stuff,I can speak well or rather I have an abnormal condition by which I know nothing of so-called stage-fear...!!
The purpose of creating this blog was to CHANGE THE WORLD!!!! :D
Nahhh...:P this blog was created to show off my photographic skills...and guess what's the best part..these pictures are taken from a cell-phone camera which makes it quite a challenge..and who doesn't love challenges!!!
Hope you like it !!! :)