Tuesday 22 May 2012

Intoducing ME!

This is my first post on my first blog..and yes I'm ecstatic!!So lets beginnn!!!(better get used to that,you'll b coming across a way lot of exclamations!!!!!)
As my favorite author puts in my favorite book.."To realized ones destiny is a person’s only obligation" and that's the only thing i seem to be doing...realizing my destiny i.e being simply awesomeee(here they come)!!!!!!
Okay...that sounds really naive...on  a serious note..I'm one more addition to the already way to crowded software world...but I dream to make a difference...innovate,inspire and create!
I find books to be my most loyal friends,I write stuff,I can speak well or rather I have an abnormal condition by which I know nothing of so-called stage-fear...!!
The purpose of creating this blog was to CHANGE THE WORLD!!!! :D
Nahhh...:P this blog was created to show off my photographic skills...and guess what's the best part..these pictures are taken from a cell-phone camera which makes it quite a challenge..and who doesn't love challenges!!!
Hope you like it !!! :)

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