Tuesday 4 September 2012

The awesome me!

You know , I almost forgot I ever owned a blog , it must be such a disappointment for my readers ): .
Yea,eight of them who hardly check what I'm upto!
But atleast they  took the trouble to follow me..love you guys! :D
So let's talk about my college!
It's going great thanks for asking!
Btw we just had our freshers party...the most pathetic event in history of Bharati (My college)!
But we(our class) had fun...loads and loads and loads..then why do I call it pathetic? Well I talk for the freshers,who remained stuck to their seats through the whole event with a what-the-hell-are-they-talking expression on their faces,it surely got irritating after a while!
So tomorrow's teacher's day and well we planned a little something for our teachers but didn't work out,so we got an off day (Wohoo!!)
Ramadan passed like a rocket (too lazy to come up with a proper metaphor), Eid came and it was fun (as it always is!!)
Well , we've been planning our college trip for a while , I'm excited for it...as excited as I'm for my classes (Hope you get the sarcasm)!!
Whoaaaa!!! I killed it...I killed the mosquito that was annoying me from past 30mins!! I feel like Leonidas!! :D
Ok,that was pretty random!
Anyways I guess I'll stop now...whoa before I stop...I got 92% this time!!! (*toothysmile)
Could have done much better...but at the moment I'm like I totally rock!!
So adios amigos!!!
Do share what you guys up-to now-a-days..been out of touch lately! :)

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