The journey started with a 10 days course during vacations called Vacation Islamic Course , aimed at educating teens/kids about the message of Islam, and from there on my curiosity grew and I was astonished to realize that Islam is not what I thought it was , it was not a religion of oppression but that of submission, and contrary to popular belief it did not make my life difficult , instead made it fuller as now I knew what I was living for .
This journey was furthered as I discovered a treasure box of knowledge in the form of a site named Islamic online university.
Islamic online university abbreviated as IOU was founded by Dr.Bilal Philips a renowned Islamic scholar , read more about him from here.
This was a turning point in my life as I discovered that Islam is so much more than fasting and praying , and although fasting and praying are an integral part of Islam , but if not done with proper intentions these are reduced to empty rituals that do not benefit either in this world or the next.
All the pillars of Islam[1] inculcate a particular moral character in us.
And there was so much more that I learned and I was glad that finally I got to learn something that made me a better person and also be able to take it to a professional level.
So without further adieu I give a preview of IOU.Hope it benefits you as much as it has benefited me.
Q. Who can enroll in it?
A. Anyone with a passion for learning.
Q. What does it cover?
A. It includes different modules ,each with a different theme.
For example Foundation of Islamic studies Part 1 module focuses on giving students an insight into tawheed (Oneness of God) , Purpose of creation etc.
You can view more modules in diploma section from their website
Q. Is it only for Muslims?
A. No, anyone interested can enroll
Q. How much does it cost?
A. If you enroll for diploma they charge nothing.
However for advanced courses they charge some amount through a sliding scale fee system (Depending on whether your country of residence is developed,developing or under-developed).
View the different programs they offer from this link -
Q. How are the courses conducted?
A. Each module has a .pdf file which you need to read , also an optional audio/video file for further understanding.
After reading the pdf thoroughly you are required to attempt a multiple choice question test which is scored out of 10. In case you don't score well , you can review your lesson and reattempt the quiz after a few days.
To complete the module you need to score at least 80% in all your tests , which is not very difficult if you've studied well.
Q. What is the language of instruction at IOU?
A. All courses are taught in English with the exception of advanced Arabic classes, only if you decide to enroll in them..
This sufficient I suppose for an introduction.
I decided to write this post as a lot of people have been asking me about it.
Although I started this with the intention of becoming a better Muslimah[2] , it seems it will hopefully have a positive impact on my career as well.Regardless of what impact it has on my career , I will continue to pursue it with the same intention I started with , Bi''ithnilla (by the will of Allah).
Which made me wonder if it can benefit me in so many ways , why would it not benefit you?[3]
[1]Pillars of Islam- There are five pillars of Islam : 1.Shahadah(Declaration of faith) 2.Salah(Prayer) 3.Zakat(Obligatory charity) 4.Sawm(Fasting) 5.Hajj(Pilgrimage to the Holy city of Makkah)
[2]Muslimah is a female muslim
[3]Check out their website for more details
You can also visit their blog at

Islamic online university abbreviated as IOU was founded by Dr.Bilal Philips a renowned Islamic scholar , read more about him from here.
This was a turning point in my life as I discovered that Islam is so much more than fasting and praying , and although fasting and praying are an integral part of Islam , but if not done with proper intentions these are reduced to empty rituals that do not benefit either in this world or the next.
All the pillars of Islam[1] inculcate a particular moral character in us.
And there was so much more that I learned and I was glad that finally I got to learn something that made me a better person and also be able to take it to a professional level.
So without further adieu I give a preview of IOU.Hope it benefits you as much as it has benefited me.
Q. Who can enroll in it?
A. Anyone with a passion for learning.
Q. What does it cover?
A. It includes different modules ,each with a different theme.
For example Foundation of Islamic studies Part 1 module focuses on giving students an insight into tawheed (Oneness of God) , Purpose of creation etc.
You can view more modules in diploma section from their website
Q. Is it only for Muslims?
A. No, anyone interested can enroll
Q. How much does it cost?
A. If you enroll for diploma they charge nothing.
However for advanced courses they charge some amount through a sliding scale fee system (Depending on whether your country of residence is developed,developing or under-developed).
View the different programs they offer from this link -
Q. How are the courses conducted?
A. Each module has a .pdf file which you need to read , also an optional audio/video file for further understanding.
After reading the pdf thoroughly you are required to attempt a multiple choice question test which is scored out of 10. In case you don't score well , you can review your lesson and reattempt the quiz after a few days.
To complete the module you need to score at least 80% in all your tests , which is not very difficult if you've studied well.
Q. What is the language of instruction at IOU?
A. All courses are taught in English with the exception of advanced Arabic classes, only if you decide to enroll in them..
This sufficient I suppose for an introduction.
I decided to write this post as a lot of people have been asking me about it.
Although I started this with the intention of becoming a better Muslimah[2] , it seems it will hopefully have a positive impact on my career as well.Regardless of what impact it has on my career , I will continue to pursue it with the same intention I started with , Bi''ithnilla (by the will of Allah).
Which made me wonder if it can benefit me in so many ways , why would it not benefit you?[3]
[1]Pillars of Islam- There are five pillars of Islam : 1.Shahadah(Declaration of faith) 2.Salah(Prayer) 3.Zakat(Obligatory charity) 4.Sawm(Fasting) 5.Hajj(Pilgrimage to the Holy city of Makkah)
[2]Muslimah is a female muslim
[3]Check out their website for more details
You can also visit their blog at