Friday, 28 December 2012

Be Modest!

  "I have the right to go around half-naked , it's the males who shouldn't be looking at me"
"Don't tell me what to wear, tell your son not to rape"
"My body my right" 
That's what I've been hearing all around , are we thinking practically?
Can we really expect them to control their desires while women roam around uncovered?
Yes sisters ,  you do have the right to wear what you like/wish but why would you CHOOSE to wear clothes that can hardly be called as clothes.I'm in no position to judge anyone , I myself have been through phases where I thought 'Hey! That's the trend and why should I be left behind?" but sooner or later you realize doing it just for the sake of so-called "Trend" is foolish. I mean why should you try to blend in , if you want to be 'happening' shouldn't you be YOURSELF?
Don't you think we are being manipulated instead of being liberated?
Why does the guy always get the 'hot' girl in movies/serials/commercials?
Isn't it high time we re-define hot?
Many questions but I won't leave you to it , would you like to know the answers? Solution to all these problems ? Something better?
Yes I said it , before you start accusing me of being an extremist/oppressor and the likes , how about you read on for a while?
"O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." [Noble Qur'an 33:59]
That was 1400 years ago , look at the wisdom behind it!
When a woman is covered you can't judge her by her body , you'll have to evaluate her for her skills and intelligence. You actually see her as a person with feelings and respect her. You treat women as equals and don't chase them for their body or physical benefits. Hijab conceals a women sexuality while revealing her femininity.Would a male even think about teasing/molesting a woman while she is modestly dressed.
Hijab doesn't make a woman less attractive instead it gives an air of mystery , a message that she respects her body enough to preserve it. There are various scientific benefits as well but we'll leave them for now.
So what is a hijab you must be wondering ( unless you already know ) .Well it is what Muslim women do to protect their dignity. It includes a covering for head and anything that isn't too tight , transparent , bright and covers the whole body.Simple as that!
Well, too much said for women , what about men?
"Tell the believing men that they should reduce/lower (يغضوا) their gaze/vision and guard their private parts"[Noble Qur'an 24:30]
Hijab for men is prescribed as well , men are commanded to lower their gaze , respect women and give them their due rights.
"And the best among you are the one's who are kind to their women"-Prophet Muhammad.
And there's a lot to say but I'll leave you with this...think and reason for yourself. Next time you look in the mirror ask yourself , do you value yourself enough ?

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Glimpses of Paris in Goa.

I've always wanted visit Paris , France , Italy and the likes . At times I yearned to be there , and I yearn no more since I've been to Goa , as the Europeans once ruled there and couldn't help but leave traces (should I say Monuments) of the amazing architecture .So what's in Paris , Italy etc. can be found here. At least some part of it .

Does it even look like Goa?

Walking down the memory lane...

Monday, 3 December 2012

New beginning!

Yes I'm back again , and for a long time!
Exams got over about three days ago and since then I'm having fun unlike other vacations.
So as I said about my Goa trip...the pics are finally sorted out.Here they are-

Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!
 This was the first snap I got, it was about 5pm , sun about to set . There's something about this picture that strikes me , whether it is the peach-ish tint from the sun or the new rails tracks , I don't just does! :)
Look closer you might find the magic in it too! :)
For now...signing off ! :D