Thursday 26 December 2019

Redefining "myself"

                                                                                                                                                                            ©2019 Yasar S
This is an attempt to recapture the little part of myself that I seem to have lost. The part that often noticed when the sky was in pretty colors, retraced her steps just to get another whiff of that nostalgic scent coming from a mysterious source. Not that I have completely stopped doing these things, it's just that there's always something more important to do - an assignment to finish, a feature to close, or a course to complete. With all of this, it seems like I've lost a tiny piece of myself somewhere and sometimes everything seems futile. I often find myself wondering - what is the purpose of all of this? Why am I always competing with myself ? Do I really have to win at everything? When did I start attaching my worth to things not under my control?
Only to realize; I've always been like this. I've always competed with myself - just that earlier I held the reins. I could stop if I wanted to, I had a grounded sense of what is important or precisely - important to me.
But it's not all that bad. I've grown in other aspects of my personality, I'm getting better at some other things that left me perplexed earlier, but I really do miss who I was before the 'adulting' kicked in.
What does one even mean by 'who I am' anyways? Shouldn't one's definition of who they are change and evolve? I can't do the things I enjoyed earlier as often now, but that doesn't mean I don't have new things I enjoy, even though they don't fit the definition of 'enjoyment' as defined by my younger self. I'm getting older and I'd like to think wiser (?) . I'm selective of the company I keep, I'd rather be by myself than let a toxic person around me, this my younger self would've deemed cowardice. I rarely finish the art projects I start now-a-days but I enjoy it nevertheless, something my younger self would be frustrated at. I still do hold myself to crazy and sometimes unrealistic standards, but now as a part of making sense of life I'm beginning to give myself the permission to just be. Be what the younger me would call boring, aloof, lazy or even uncreative. Slowly I try to let go of the idealisms, I stop demanding perfection from myself and those around me, and even though it might seem like I'm getting complacent and giving in to life, for now it seems like the right thing to do. Probably a few years down the line, when I hit some sort of mid-something crises, I might start expecting more of myself, pushing myself till I'm about to break - an attempt to relive my "younger" days. But for now, I think I'll just be.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Augmented Reality

If there was anything I found most exciting about technology it was how it could make our lives easier with such minimal effort.
Whether it be the outbreak of skype that brought people closer,or online shopping - a boon for people who hate going through multiple shops and yet not finding the right thing,or even online movie bookings (I hate standing in queues).
The most innovative technologies are either those easy to use,easy to develop,or both.They say now a days there's an app for everything,and how true is that!
Recently I tried exploring one such technology called 'Augmented Reality'.
Since the first time I read about it I was awestruck and really wanted to make something that was so amazing,but I held back thinking it would take a lot of time and time was the last thing I had.
So when I had to choose a topic for seminar I plunged at the opportunity,what's better than exploring what I've always wanted to & get graded for it as well.Win-Win!
So what is augmented reality anyways? To put it in simple words,it is the merging of the real world with the virtual world. So unlike virtual reality which is cut-off from the real world mostly,Augmented reality takes as input your surrounding and overlays(or augments) virtual objects over it.
Here's an example:

Image result for augmented reality

 AR(Augmented Reality) retains the 'reality', in this case the coffee cup and overlays the virtual object (The colored circular objects) to create a composite view.
It has a dozen of applications ranging from advertising,fashion to education and medicine.
   You might have noticed AR in Pokemon-Go as well.

Image result for pokemon go AR
Isn't Growlithe just adorable!
For my seminar I choose to explore applications of Augmented Reality in Education.
Education , firstly because I think our education system needs a revolution in way things are taught,and secondly because AR is easy to develop and cost-efficient to deploy.So you don't need expensive projectors or some hi-tech device to be able to use,all you need is a smart phone.
I believe embedding technology in our education system can do wonders,specially the ones like AR can go a long way in improving the quality of our system.

For starters I tried to model carbon and hydrogen atoms ,because it's difficult to illustrate them accurately in 2D.Atoms don't really have orbits like planets that are one the same level,orbits in atoms are haphazard and it's difficult to predict the motion of electrons,so to represent atoms like this:

is misleading and not accurate.
Electrons are present in energy levels and these energy levels can be represented as circles but it is difficult to represent that on a 2D paper,and this is where AR could be helpful.

Below are snaps from my implementation:
Carbon Atom

Water Molecule

This is just a part of what I plan to implement.
AR can also work for text recognition as well,so imagine you're reading for exams and you're stuck at a topic,you get your smart phone and point camera towards the text and voila! pops a video of your professor explaining the topic you're stuck on.Wouldn't that make studying easy and fun.That's the power of Augmented Reality.
It is super easy to develop, the tools I used were :
2.3D Max for 3D models (You can use other 3D modelling softwares as well,just check for compatibility)
Have a look at these tutorials:
It's easy to develop and fun to use.So do give it a try and let me know how it goes in the comments.


Link to my seminar presentation:

Sunday 13 September 2015

My Journey Into Islamic Studies

The journey started with a 10 days course during vacations called Vacation Islamic Course , aimed at educating teens/kids about the message of Islam, and from there on my curiosity grew and I was astonished to realize that Islam is not what I thought it was , it was not a religion of oppression but that of submission, and contrary to popular belief it did not make my life difficult , instead made it fuller as now I knew what I was living for .
      This journey was furthered as I discovered a treasure box of knowledge in the form of a site named Islamic online university.

Islamic online university abbreviated as IOU was founded by Dr.Bilal Philips a renowned Islamic scholar , read more about him from here.
This was a turning point in my life as I discovered that Islam is so much more than fasting and praying , and although fasting and praying are an  integral part of Islam , but if not done with proper intentions these are reduced to empty rituals that do not benefit either in this world or the next.
All the pillars of Islam[1] inculcate a particular moral character in us.
And there was so much more that I learned and I was glad that finally I got to learn something that made me a better person and also be able to take it to a professional level.
So without further adieu I give a preview of IOU.Hope it benefits you as much as it has benefited me.


Q. Who can enroll in it?
A. Anyone with a passion for learning.

Q. What does it cover?
A. It includes different modules ,each with a different theme.
For example Foundation of Islamic studies Part 1 module focuses on giving students an insight into tawheed (Oneness of God) , Purpose of creation etc.
You can view more modules in diploma section from their website

Q. Is it only for Muslims?
A. No, anyone interested can enroll

Q. How much does it cost?
A. If you enroll for diploma they charge nothing.
However for advanced courses they charge some amount through a sliding scale fee system (Depending on whether your country of residence is developed,developing or under-developed).
View the different programs they offer from this link -

Q. How are the courses conducted?
A. Each module has a .pdf file which you need to read , also  an optional audio/video file for further understanding.
After reading  the pdf thoroughly you are required to attempt a multiple choice question test which is scored out of 10. In case you don't score well , you can review your lesson and reattempt the quiz after a few days.
To complete the module you need to score at least 80% in all your tests , which is not very difficult if you've studied well.

Q. What is the language of instruction at IOU?
A. All courses are taught in English with the exception of advanced Arabic classes, only if you decide to enroll in them..

 This sufficient I suppose for an introduction.
I decided to write this post as a lot of people have been asking me about it.
Although I started this with the intention of becoming a better Muslimah[2] , it seems it will hopefully have a positive impact on my career as well.Regardless of what impact it has on my career , I will continue to pursue it with the same intention I started with , Bi''ithnilla (by the will of Allah).
Which made me wonder if it can benefit me in so many ways , why would it not benefit you?[3]

[1]Pillars of Islam- There are five pillars of Islam : 1.Shahadah(Declaration of faith) 2.Salah(Prayer) 3.Zakat(Obligatory charity) 4.Sawm(Fasting) 5.Hajj(Pilgrimage to the Holy city of Makkah)
[2]Muslimah is a female muslim
[3]Check out their website for more details
You can also visit their blog at

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Vagator Beach a.k.a Rocky Beach

Goa reminds everyone of one thing and that is the here's the real deal...

The most scenic place in Goa
“Don't grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach.”
- Michelle Held

Rocky indeed...

Saturday 11 May 2013

Guess what I found?!?

Yesterday as I was exploring the PC , guess what I found??
Yes, more pictures from the Goa trip.
So today I'll continue with Fort Aguada...

The Light House

One of my Favorites!

Gone with the wind...

The Fort Aguada

 This fort was constructed in 1613 to guard against the Dutch and the Marathas. It was a reference point for the vessels coming from Europe at that time. This old Portuguese fort stands on the beach south of Candolim, at the shore of the Mandovi River.

Here's what it looks like...

The lower part of the fort

The ultimate view

Our way back!

Gives this post a very historic feel :P

Thursday 9 May 2013

Moving on!

Here I am again!
Our next stop after the Aquarium was the Aguada Fort.
The fort lies on the shore of Mandovi river.

This is what we saw on the way...

Shades of Nature

The Mandovi River

Wednesday 8 May 2013

In the Aquarium!

I wonder why they're called Angel fishes....

Where to now?

The cute little turtles

And there's more...